The first load of hydrogen has been delivered to Crossbridge Energy from HySnergy by Everfuel
It was recently reported that Everfuel successfully delivered hydrogen from Denmark to their offtake partner, Crossbridge Energy. This hydrogen was produced at Everfuel’s HySynergy 20MW project, which is located in Denmark.
This facility was built next to Crossbridge’s Fredericia refinery and the purpose of the hydrogen will be to help the facility decarbonise their operations.
The operations undertaken by the Crossbridge Energy refinery, include activities such as, refining crude oil into liquids to make it appropriate for shipping. The company also handles transportation, aviation and it also works to supply heat, which is used for district heating.
On the other hand, HySynergy represents a collaboration project which is currently being held between two main partners, Everfuel and Crossbridge Energy. On top of this, the collaboration also includes district heating operator, TVIS which acts as a surplus heat offtaker. Plus, this project is co-owned by Hy24, which plays the role of financer.
CEO of Crossbridge Energy, Finn Schousboe, commented, “With hydrogen in the pipeline from HySynergy to Crossbridge Energy, we mark the beginning of what could become a new era. The new era, however, requires that legislation recognises that the use of green hydrogen instead of traditional hydrogen contributes to meeting the current displacement requirements for Danish fuels.”
Everfuel’s Founder and CEO, Jacob Krogsgaard, mentioned that, ‘the company is now in a position to scale up hydrogen production.’