The launch of India’s first green methanol plant will be supported by Ohmium
Ohmium International will be working with two Indian organisations, with the intention of setting up India’s ‘first’ green methanol plan. This plant will be powered by Ohmium’s PEM electrolyser technology and this will make it possible for the plant to produce hydrogen.
The plan for this project, is for Ohmium to work alongside the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Breathe Applied Sciences and Spirare Energy. Altogether this collaboration will allow Ohmium to efficiently and effectively develop the project. The purpose of the project is to combine green hydrogen with carbon dioxide that has been captured from the Singareni Thermal Power Plant. Through doing this, Ohmium will be able to produce green methanol.
Breathe Applied Sciences and JNCASR are the companies who developed the process of synthesising green methanol from CO2 emissions. Furthermore, Spirare previously partnered with Ohmium in order to procure the PEM solution.
On top of this, last week UL Solutions presented Ohmium with a ‘Hydrogen Generator Using Water Electrolysis’ certification. This award acknowledges the company’s “dedication to safety and reliability.”
Breathe Applied Sciences Co-Founder and Project Leader, JNCASR Professor Sebastian Peter, commented, “Converting CO2 from coal-based thermal power to green methanol can significantly advance decarbonisation and sustainability.”
He also stated that he is, ‘proud to see the research applied to a real-world project and “looks forward to seeing it scale.”’
CEO of Ohmium, Arne Ballantine, mentioned that the firm is “pleased to collaborate again with Spirare Energy, a leader in sustainable development projects in India.”
Ballantine also said, “This is our second project together, and a very important one, as green methanol has the potential to significantly advance India’s energy independence and reduce CO2 emissions. Building on our previous success, this follow-on project demonstrates our joint dedication to India’s energy future.”