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01 Dec 2023

Lhyfe has announced plans for a new 800MW green hydrogen project

Amy Power
Lhyfe has announced plans for a new 800MW green hydrogen project

Lhyfe recently announced that its next project will focus on its plant in Lubmin, Germany, and the aim is for the plant to be producing 330 tons of green hydrogen, on a daily basis.

So far, throughout Germany, Lhyfe has been able to establish a hydrogen project portfolio, over the past two years. Altogether, this forms a hydrogen backbone of 3.8GW worth of installed electrolysis capacity. This makes up 37% of its total project pipeline. This new 800MW development is going to be one of the largest plants built in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region, and Lhyfe plans for it to be commissioned by 2029. The benefits of this new plant is that it will have the capability of providing support to both Lhyfe’s pre-established backbone, as well as Germany’s strategy centred around green hydrogen. The plant’s ability to support both areas of interest, emphasise Lhyfe’s commitment to green hydrogen and make this new project a necessity and an excellent investment. The Government has shown support for this, through an announcement stating their plan to invest approximately 20 billion euros.

This investment is enough to ensure that a 9,700km-long pipeline is constructed. This pipeline will form a network intended for transporting hydrogen across the country to its neighbours. The pipeline will also perform the function of connecting production centres, industrial users, storage facilities, power plants and impact corridors. Alongside the investment, it has also been mentioned that Lhyfe’s Lubmin site will have extra-high voltage grid connections, which will be operated by a transmissions system operator. This voltage will reach 50Hertz and is proven to work as it currently operates a transformer station located in Lubmin. This operator will feed the necessary electricity for the production of hydrogen to the plant. The only other obstacle for the project to overcome, is gaining a grant of operating from authorisations, construction permits, and financial investment decisions.

The Head of Central and Eastern Europe at Lhfye, Luc Graré, commented, “This location is of strategic importance to us. We are building these plants not only for our short-term needs, but also for future generations. The introduction of green hydrogen in Europe is a long-term project, and Lubmin meets all the requirements to establish itself as a sustainable centre for green hydrogen in the long-term. We look forward to the long-term development of this location, to the development of the region’s core hydrogen infrastructure, and to supporting the longstanding decarbonisation of Europe’s industry and transport.”


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