Sunfire has installed a 20MW electrolysis plant in Finland
Through a partnership with P2X, Sunfire has successfully installed a 20MW electrolysis plant in Finland, specifically Harjavalta. The primary expectation for this plant is for it to begin producing green hydrogen during 2024.
Since the project was agreed upon and given permission to be constructed, it has taken a year to finish the installment process. So far, the project looks very promising and it is suggested that it will be a very large step towards the growth and increase of the Finnish green hydrogen market.
Commissioning of this 20MW Sunfire pressurized alkaline electrolyser should be starting immediately, so that the project is ready for production start-up which will take place later on in 2024.
This innovative plant will work off of the use of renewable energy which it will get from wind turbines. When running at full capacity, the plant is expected to produce an estimated 400kg of green hydrogen every hour. Alongside its green hydrogen production, Sunfire has also made it possible for the plant’s mechanization to produce synthetic methane from carbon dioxide and green hydrogen.
To make this all possible, the 70-million-euro project has received a significant amount of funding, especially from the Finnish Government’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, who provided the project with 36 million euros. The project has also received funding from the Finnish Climate Fund, highlighting it as not only an innovative and important project, but also a project that will benefit multiple parties as well as the environment.
Before this plant was built, P2X Solutions managed to confirm a deal with Danisco Sweetners, who have agreed to use the plant’s green hydrogen at their plant in Kotka, Finland. This means that Sunfire and P2X’s plant, already have a partnership for their green hydrogen production.
Sunfire has a few other projects, one of which is a 250kW electrolyser, located at a gas -fired power station, based in Emsland, Germany. This plant produced its first kilograms of hydrogen during 2023.
CEO of Sunfire, Nils Aldag, commented, “We feel privileged to be part of this pioneering project with P2X Solutions, where our pressurised alkaline electrolyser will be operated on an industrial scale.” He also said, “I am especially pleased that out ‘Made in Europe’ electrolysis technology will contribute to Finnish energy history.”