Xiaoli (Shelly) Tang
Lead Principal Metallurgical Engineer,
Dr. Xiaoli (Shelly) Tang is a Lead Principal Metallurgical Engineer and has been with Swagelok Company, Solon, Ohio, for more than 20 years. She received her Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. Shelly has extensive experience in a wide range of corrosion resistant materials for various industries and is specialized in characterization and failure analysis of many materials in different applications. She has been actively engaged in research of materials for high pressure hydrogen applications for more than 15 years. Shelly is a member of ASME and is a contributing member for ASME B31.3, Processing Pipping Subcommittee and ASME B31.12, Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines Subcommittee.
27-Jun-2024Hydrogen Production, Storage and Infrastructure DevelopmentBalanced Approach of Materials Selection for Hydrogen Services
27-Jun-2024Hydrogen Production, Storage and Infrastructure DevelopmentPanel Discussion- Hydrogen Safety for Storage and Transportation